Mango Sandesh Recipe | How to make Mango Sandesh

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Mango Sandesh Recipe

Mango Sandesh Recipe

Today I am going to share Mango Sandesh Recipe. As all of us know that Sandesh is one of the most popular Chena Bengali sweets, which we usually prepare especially during festivals and special occasions.

This is a Mango twist of the classic Bengali Sondesh. Traditionally sondesh is prepared with fresh chena (cottage cheese or paneer), sugar and cardamom powder.
Here is the recipe on how to make Mango Sandesh at home.

In this Mango sondesh, I just added a little mango puree to the fresh cottage cheese and sugar mixture for a mango twist.

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Here is the recipe to make delicious Mango Sandesh this summer. I recommend that you should even make Mango Ice Cream, Mango raita if your love for mangoes and desserts is as deep as mine.

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How to make Mango Sandesh:

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Mango sandesh |How to make Mango sandesh

Mango sandesh recipe, an easy to make, delicious, traditional Bengali sweet made with fresh chenna, sugar and mango puree
Prep Time1 hour
Active Time30 minutes
Course: Dessert, sweets & Desserts
Cuisine: Indian
Diet: Vegetarian
Yield: 12
Author: Spicy Veg Recipes


  • 2 cup chena
  • 1 cup Mango Pulp fresh or canned
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1 teaspoon pistachio and almond or as per your required sliced
  • 2 litre milk
  • 1/4 cup milk powder
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice



  • 1. Take 2-liter full-fat milk in any heavy bottom utensil for boiling.
    2. When the milk starts boiling turn off the heat and lets it cool down.
    3. Keep it 80% hot.
    4. Add this lemon juice in milk and stir well.
    5. The moment when milk curdling stop uses more lemon juice in the milk.
    6. Pour the curdled milk on any cotton cloth.
    7. Strain the whey.
    8. Fold all the 4 sides of the muslin cloth and twist it gently so that all the whey that is in the milk solids gets evenly drained out.
    9. Gather the cloth from all 4 sides and squeeze the chenna lightly about 3 to 4 times so that most of the whey gets drained out.
    10. Take out the chenna onto a clean plate and press gently so that it is free of lumps and take care not to apply too much pressure.


  • In a pan cook, sugar, and mango pulp until the sugar melts and mango pulp become thick.
  • Add chena and milk powder in the cooked mango pulp and stir continuously until it becomes thick.
  • Mix nicely and cook on medium heat for around 10 -12 minutes.
  • Add cardamom powder.
  • Cook until it gets a thick consistency and has left the sides of the pan.
  • Remove from the flame and transfer to a plate, mash well to remove the lumps; it should have the consistency of soft dough.
  • Use the prepared dough for making small balls and flatten them a bit.
  • Make Brush the milk on top of the sandesh.
  • Garnish with pistachio and almonds.
  • Mango sondesh is ready to serve.

Suggestion Notes: 

  1. You can also use frozen mango pulp if fresh mango pulp is not available.
  2. For diabetics Patesents, we can also use Fructose sugar or Splenda instead of regular sugar. 
  3. We can also make it with Ricotta cheese also, in that case, add more milk powder, as ricotta cheese is much thinner than Paneer.
  4. For more variation, You can also try your favourite flavour like strawberry, Rose Syrup, Chocolate, pineapple, etc. So here is the recipe.
  5. Always use fresh homemade chena(paneer) for the best results.
  6. you can adjust the sweetness as per your taste.
  7. you can serve it chilled or at room temperature as per your choice.

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